Add Expires Headers In Asp.NET
In this example i am Explaining how to add or set expires headers for static files or images in 2.0, 3.5
Performance is the main concern for any web application and bit of this can be achieved by setting expires headers for static files and images which doesn't change too often.
when expires headers are set for a future date or to never expires then browser fetch these files from cache and doesn't need to download these files every time application is loaded in browser, hence site or application is loaded faster
To do this we need to add code mentioned below in web.config file of web application
Now the file headers will expire after 150 days
Hope this helps
In this example i am Explaining how to add or set expires headers for static files or images in 2.0, 3.5
Performance is the main concern for any web application and bit of this can be achieved by setting expires headers for static files and images which doesn't change too often.
when expires headers are set for a future date or to never expires then browser fetch these files from cache and doesn't need to download these files every time application is loaded in browser, hence site or application is loaded faster
To do this we need to add code mentioned below in web.config file of web application
Set Expires headers to future date
<configuration> <system.webserver> <staticcontent> <clientcache cachecontrolcustom="" cachecontrolmode="UseExpires" httpexpires="Thu, 31 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT"> </clientcache></staticcontent> </system.webserver> </configuration>
Add headers to expire after certain days
<configuration> <system.webserver> <staticcontent> <clientcache cachecontrolmaxage="150.00:00:00" cachecontrolmode="UseMaxAge"> </clientcache></staticcontent> </system.webserver> </configuration>
Now the file headers will expire after 150 days
Hope this helps
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